Hot Dog lady from hell

Happy Labor Day! This morning I decided to go to 7-11 and get my Labor Day picnic hotdog. I do not have anywhere to go to eat some real hot dogs today, so 7-11 was my alternative. Plus I was craving a hotdog for some reason and I was starving this morning. I haven’t eaten much lately, and most nights I have been going to sleep craving potato salad and candybars. I had this idea that I might lose some weight if I stop eating at 11pm. Forget eating healthy food ….. my new idea is to eat whatever I want, just not a lot of it and not late at night. So far I’ve lost 7 pounds and am now below my weight when I went to the beach …. which by the way was nowhere near the “hot bikini girl” weight. But anyways. So I was quietly getting my hotdog. First I squirted some ketchup and mustard on it, then I lifted the lid on the onion bin to put some onions on it. Suddenly I hear this woman go “THE OTHER WAY! THE OTHER WAY! COME ON, DON’T MAKE A MESS!!!!! FLIP IT OVER … NOW!” I’m like, “Is she talking to me?” So I turn around and she was like “Yeah, you … you are putting the lid on backwards and I don’t have time to clean up after people all day.” I was like “whatever”. All I did was flip the lid up and scoop some onions on. I didn’t mangle the lid or even take it off the whole way and it looked the same as all the other lids so I just shut it and started to walk away. So she scurries over before I can get away and goes “I can’t believe this! You put all of MY lids on backwards! What is wrong with you girl?” I respond “I did not touch your lids. Does it look like I was putting hot peppers, chili, and pickles on my hotdog?” I used the squirters for mustard and ketchup and I only touched the onion lid. She told me I had to fix them and that they were all upside down. The lids have a hole in the corner so the spoon can stick out, and they can probably go either way. So I firmly said “I didn’t touch any of those lids.” SHe was like “Well I know you did because I just changed all of these myself and you are the first person who has been over here!” So I just got irritated and flagged down the manager and told him that his employee was on crack. He went over and told her that the lids were on the right way and maybe the other girl had flipped them over. Then she got a little lesson on lids and how they work. It was pretty freakin’ hilarious. Stupid bitch. So anyways, if you ever go to 7-11 in Oakland, beware of the crackhead lid monitor. She might eat you if you touch her lids.

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