Things that suck

I’m mad that my fan died last night. It was the middle of the night and I woke up, feeling HOT. Turned on my little metal super-powered not cheap fan. POP POP POP followed by SPARK FIRECRACKER, smoke, smell of burnt metal. It died. At least while I was awake. I’d hate to be woken by a flaming fan. Fire and electricity are two of my biggest fears. Combined together, I’m petrified. So I was awake forever after that, cringing at the thought of the fan coming to life to eat me. Tonight I was finally brave enough to touch it. I took it into the alley. I hope that some poor unsuspecting fanless soul doesn’t take it home, thinking it is a perfectly good discarded fan. It looks that way, but let me tell ya … its not.

Hair on my bathroom floor no matter how much I vacuum, swiffer, get down on my hands and knees and peel it off the floor. I’m shedding like a cat and I’m not so happy about it.

This smell that is becoming a frequent visitor of my apartment. Nasty poop sewage smell. What is it? Do I need to move, quick?

Buying the wrong plugin replacement for my air-freshener. I didn’t know that there was a difference between a Glade Plug-in and an Airwick plugin. Airwick replacements do not fit into the Glad plug-ins. I remedied that buy ripping them apart and dumping the new stuff into the old one that fits. I have more significant things to worry about than what the brand of my Airfreshener is. Refuse to waste $3. I won’t forget the brand next time.

Having a vacuum that doesn’t suck up all of my hair. No matter what I do, there is still hair. My vacuum contains nothing but hair. It makes me wonder if I will be bald soon.

Being lied to. My dad tells me when he is broke and can’t afford underwear ….that is being treated like a respected member of the human race although I wouldn’t even be mad if he lied about his underwear. It only takes one second to completely lose respect for someone for the rest of eternity.

Having to constantly readjust my volume on the television. VCR tapes suck.

Being too late to drink coffee. I’d really like a cup right now, but I’d also like to get some sleep tonight.

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