Yay it’s Friday!

August 11th, 2006

Yay Yay Yay …. it is Friday and I couldn’t be happier. It has been a long week. I attempted for many nights to hook the hose up to our new dryer – I’m not too handy though. Ended up with spray foam adhesive semi-permanently stuck to my hands and it was not good. I also bought a blind for my other bedroom window and curtains for both of the windows. My next task is going to be to hang blinds, curtain rods, and curtains. I’ve always made my own curtains but I actually found some pretty ones on sale that will match my comforter and bed, so hopefully it will work out. And I finally invested in a new body pillow cover to match the rest of my bed, but now I think I actually need to get a new body pillow, mines not so squishy anymore and I don’t like it. I’m going to Kennywood tomorrow with Bryan πŸ™‚ Rollercoasters weeee. Then we are eloping and moving to a tropical island, ok just kidding but sounds nice. Oh but we really are going to Kennywood. I guess that’s all, have a happy weekend!

After the madness is over and I can see my bedroom floor for the first time, I’ll post some awesome pictures of things that have been going on. I promise.

<3 Jess

Birthday weekend recap

August 2nd, 2006

My birthday was awesome. Actually I spent my birthday (Friday) fervently packing to move on Saturday. Always me to leave it all until the last minute.

So here are all of my thank-you’s to everyone who made this weekend possible. I’d like to thank Jaime, Avi, my mom, dad and brother for helping me move. That alone was an awesome birthday present.

On Saturday evening we went to Church Brew Works for drinks and food and good times. I split the southwestern pizza with Bryan and it was so hot that my throat, mouth and lips were on fire ….. but mmm it sure complemented the beer I drank! I’d like to thank Jaime, Avi, Bryan, Vanessa, Courtney, Jess, and Alex for paying for my dinner and drinks for my birthday. I had a great time!

I also got other presents for my birthday. All of them were really nice. I received a card, a garden tomato, Tommy Girl Perfume, and an air-conditioner from my parents. My mom also gave me a vase that I absolutely love. Every time I am at my parent’s house I sort of drool over it so my mom finally gave it to me!!!! I mean it isn’t even worth much, I’m sure. My mom picked it up at a yard-sale for $1 but I just think it is so pretty. Thank You!

Bryan gave me two cards, another Gettysburg t-shirt and a pretty watch. I still think my favorite part of the gift is the kitty card … every time I look at it, it makes me smile. Thank You πŸ™‚

I got a card, $$ and a coffee maker from my grandma, a card from Vanessa, and a card from my aunt. Oh and a card and a pretty plate from my boss. Thanks!

I don’t think I forgot anyone but if I did I apologize.

On Sunday, I went to the Pirates game with Bryan. This time we had box-seats and it was really cool. Free food and beer in an air-conditioned room and awesome seats that were sheltered from the crazy storm that delayed the game for about two-hours. We chose not to stay for the rest of the game after waiting over an hour for the game to start again. We sat by these two young guys who got completely wasted. The one guy was saying such stupid things and slurring his speech really bad. At one point they asked us if we wanted to play a drinking game. I was just sitting there praying that one of them wouldn’t pass out or puke near me. After a while, I leaned over to Bryan and asked him if we were losers for not drinking the free beer in the room. I did have one Miller Lite, but I wasn’t really in the drinking mood at all. If I drink in the middle of the day, all I want to do is go home and sleep. I think he agreed that we are probably losers, but isn’t it good to know that you can have a great time without alcohol … even when it is free? Now only if I could pass up free food … then maybe I’d be able to fit back into my size sevens …. . I had a hot-dog, salad, a cookie, a roast-beef crescent roll sandwich, a bag of potato-chips, and some veggies and dip. And I had a lot of fun, Thank You πŸ™‚ Anyways, here’s some pictures of our view of the crazy-ass storm that came through Pittsburgh during the game yesterday:

The tarp that the field was covered with during the storm.

You can barely see the outlines of the buildings in downtown Pittsburgh!

So it is another beginning of another week, blah. I feel like my weekend lasted two-minutes, which usually is the case anyways, but now I’m just tired. Jaime’s dad bought her a brand-new washer and dryer so that is so awesome. I was kind of sad that the washing machine broke like the day I moved in because I was so happy to finally have a place to do my laundry. I have never had an apartment with a washer or dryer, EVER. I’ve lived in places with common laundry rooms, but the last three places I’ve lived have required me to go to the Laundromat. And they suck although they are quick and I can wash and dry four loads at once. But then again the only reason I need to wash four loads at once is because I seriously go to the Laundromat once a month because it is such a huge inconvenience. So yeah …. I’m happy.

I shall be spending the remainder of the evening, and the remainder of my evenings after work for probably the next year trying to get my things organized. And just for fun, here’s a few pictures of my other roommate, Boo. She has decided that my pillow and bed are her new favorite places to hang out and shed her fur. I really need to make sure that finding my cat-lint brush is a priority tonight ….. I don’t even know which box to begin looking in though.

I think that is all.

Things and boxes everywhere

August 2nd, 2006

I’ve been quite busy. I have a big recap of my awesome birthday weekend and now I’m realizing it is already Weds. and I haven’t posted it yet. I have some pictures on my camera that I want to include and I haven’t managed to find my camera adapter yet (yeah nothing is unpacked). So I will try to do it tonight – if I get home from work at a decent time. I’ve worked late the last two days – last night not getting home until 9:40pm and all I want to do is be able to spend one day organizing my stuff. I feel bad that our entire living room is still filled with my stuff and you can’t even sit on the couch and watch TV. We have internet now and after Jaime and I both unsuccessfully tried to make it work, thanks to Bryan I learned the router had a pinhole reset button and magic …. it worked! I have cable TV in my room (yay!) and my own cable box so I can still watch HBO on Demand (and try not to order too many movies) or I’ll owe Jaime a lot of money — but I have a weakness for OnDemand. And I have a huge pile of dirty clothes that need washed. The washer and dryer delivery dudes came at 7:30am this morning and Jaime and I were both literally walking out the door to work. Neither of us could stay so they are coming back on Monday. And even worse, I haven’t located my iron yet so I can only wear clothes that aren’t wrinkled to work. And even if I did have an iron, I don’t have an inch of space anywhere to iron anything. Aaaah.

I’m starving and it isn’t even 9am. My eating schedule is all messed up since I get up an hour earlier than usual. It is weird, when I get up at 7:30 I’m fine until lunch with just coffee and a granola bar or something, but getting up at 6:30 – I want a five course meal by 10am. All I want is 5pm to come so I can go home and unpack. I refuse to go to sleep tonight surrounded by random objects.

Have a good day all!

Love – Jess

I did it

July 31st, 2006

So I’m all moved into my new place. Moving went down without a hitch, but our house is a huge mess – due to the fact the the entire living room is filled with my boxes and my bedroom is so packed full of stuff that I cannot fit one more box inside. My room is pretty big but it is still hard to figure out how to consolidate everything into one room now. I’m at work right now as I don’t have internet at home but the cable / internet guy is coming this afternoon so I should hopefully have internet tonight. Commuting to work also wasn’t as bad as I thought. I left our house around 7:30 and the bus came at 7:40. I was downtown by 7:55 and wandered around until I found Fifth Avenue. I was at work by 8:25 and probably won’t take as long because now I know where I’m going. Now we’ll see if I can make it home!!!



July 28th, 2006

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me ….. nobody sang me happy birthday today, boo. (Edit: My parents called me this evening and sang happy birthday to me over the phone!) And I got a kitty birthday card from my favorite person <3 <3

Last year I spent my birthday on the beach, basking in the sun (well I did that last week) but it is always fun to spend your birthday on vacation instead of at work!

I’m now 25. I started this blog when I was 20 – when I first moved to Pittsburgh. At the time it was my Pitt webpage, then onto LiveJournal, then to 9-lives, and now it is here. And now I’m moving and maybe it’s time to move my blog as well. It’s no fun to stay in one place too long! This site is long overdue for a new layout, but I’ve sort of lost interest in blog-designing. It is tedious and time consuming and I get frustrated when the css doesn’t work. I designed this page, as well as several other old designs that I now hate. I’m very tired of this one too. I think it might be time to just steal one from somewhere. I have so many pictures to put up too. I keep saying I’m going to do it but I never get around to it. I have pictures from all of last year, pictures from Gettysburg, and the beach. I’m a slacker and life keeps on rolling on by.

I got a birthday present from my boss today – a lovely little decorative plate for my new place and a sweet card from him and his family. His daughter (who is five years younger than me) is getting married next week but I can’t go because I have another wedding to attend and I can’t miss that, especially because it involves my friend from like forever and Chia Pets! Anyways my boss’ daughter is really sweet and cutesy sort of and seems to like happy things, so I bought her the cutest picture-frame in the world. Well I like it so I hope she will too.

I’ve treated myself (remember it is my birthday) to a three-quarter day of work because I have so much left to do in terms of packing. I made a list earlier of each room and what still needs to be done. I then alloted time periods to each room/ task and have concluded that it will take me four hours (at a normal pace) to finish it, so I think I’m going to try to step it up a notch and beat my time without doing things half-assed.

Well now that I have successfully done nothing productive today and have chosen to browse the internet, taken a coffee break to walk to the furthest coffee shop from my work, go out to lunch, and write this little story, I think it is time to go home and finish packing.

Adios and wish me luck!

<3 Jess

Adios Apart-mentos

July 27th, 2006

I’m moving in two days! Things are good. I’m getting a phone, yeah a real landline phone. So if my piece of crap cell phone is acting up I can still talk on the phone! There’s a party on Saturday night at Church Brew Works for birthday fun … if I’m still alive after moving in this horrible hot and humid weather. I’m going to adopt a black siberian kitty. I love kitties, they make me happy and they’d never abandon me for some ugly chick. Word.

β€œThere comes a time when you have to stand up and shout:
This is me damn it! I look the way I look, think the way I think, feel the way I feel, love the way I love! I am a whole complex package. Take me… or leave me. Accept me – or walk away! Do not try to make me feel like less of a person, just because I don’t fit your idea of who I should be and don’t try to change me to fit your mold. If I need to change, I alone will make that decision.
When you are strong enough to love yourself 100%, good and bad – you will be amazed at the opportunities that life presents you.”

Post-Vacation Anxiety Attack

July 24th, 2006

Anyone else out there that would rather slam their head into a brick wall or contract some highly contagious disease than go to work each day? Only thing I haven’t accomplished on my goals for this year is to find a new job. It’s next on the list. Especially after a week of sun bathing on a beautiful beach …. the thought of going back to work made me nauseous this morning. Ok, that’s all in the whining department … on to the good stuff.

Last Saturday I went to St. Pete with Courtney for a blissful week of doing nothing but swimming and soaking in the sun and that is exactly what I did. Each morning began with a large cup of coffee out of my enormous Gettysburg coffee mug, accompanied with a tasty bagel lightly topped with veggie cream cheese – my new unhealthy obsession. After making breakfast I would shower, don my swimsuit, lather up in sunscreen and skip out to the pool with my towel and essentials like chapstick, drink, book, and towel. I was out by 11:30 a.m. at the latest every day and would relax by the pool and read my book until Courtney would drag her ass out of bed (usually when the maids came to clean the room around 1pm). We’d usually take a break from the sun around 2pm and go cook some gourmet lunches consisting of cereal, yogurt, hot-pockets, bagels, or mac ‘n cheese. Afterwards we would head out to the Gulf and float on our raft devices in the ocean waves. Courtney would put on her goggles and dive for treasures but usually only found sea slugs or sand-dollars. Last year we found really cool things like eight-legged star fish and evil crabbies, but this year was a bit less exotic in the creature finding department.

We’d usually call it a day in the sun around 4pm and head back to our room to shower and decide what to eat for dinner. Sometimes we’d go out to dinner or order pizza. Two of our evenings were spent hanging out with two guys who wanted in our pants and I found it amusing to send boys to our room to extract Courtney from bed at 9pm when she became depressed and decided that she needed to lay in bed all night. It is amazing what boys will do when they think they have a .01% chance of getting laid. Another highlight of my trip was being called a prude because I had no interest in taking off my clothes and getting it on, I just thought it was fun to make them taunt Courtney, plus it is not good friend-like to leave me alone with two horny boys while you lay in bed. I drank a lot of Yuengling and got drunk in the pool one night. That was amusing. I also learned that hang-overs don’t exist when you are at the beach, amazing.

Other than that, most nights were spend shopping or eating, usually home by 10pm where Courtney would proceed to play World of Warcraft and talk to her boy online until 4am. I would usually read and fall asleep early so I could get up and frolic in the sunshine. We watched the sun setting on the beach a couple nights when we were actually back by the time the sun went down. I took some really cool pictures of it.

I also experienced flying in an airplane for the first time. It wasn’t as awesome as I thought it would be. It wasn’t scary or freaky, and my ears popped so bad and got so plugged up that I thought I was deaf and that I’d be deaf forever. When the plane landed and my ears still refused to pop I started panicking a bit, fearing that my head would never release the pressure … and my head started feeling like it was going to explode. I learned to plug my nose and blow, and it was all better. Airports are confusing and I don’t like them much. US Airways has small dirty planes and I didn’t enjoy being crammed between people although I did like looking out windows at awesome clouds.

I got back on Saturday afternoon and I still haven’t unpacked. There is really no point to unpack since I’m moving in 4 days. On Saturday evening I went to Pittsburgh Mills mall with Bryan and got Raspberry Sherbert Dippin’ Dots and was in heaven. They’re my favorite ever and haven’t had them since I worked at Cedar Point … and that was 2001 so it has been a LONG time. We also went to see ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ one of the books I read over vacation. The movie sucked, don’t see it. But read the book, it is great. We also ate at Chili’s and we both had awesome food, mmmm.

I’m moving on Saturday. If you want to help, please do … it is much appreciated. Be here at 10am on Saturday morning in your moving gear. I do have Jaime and her boyfriend, and my brother (i think) on board for the move, so it should be fine. But I don’t know because I haven’t started packing and freaking out yet that I have too much stuff, although it is already in the back of my mind. If my brother gets out of bed and makes it here, he will also be bringing me my birthday present from my parents …. an air-conditioner for my bedroom with windows! Woo, I’m quite excited. I’m tired of being hot in this stinky apartment that smells like death all the time because upstairs guy poops in my vents. Ok, I’m becoming negative again. Wait …. woooo I’m moving! I just have to figure out where exactly I live. I’m dumb and may never understand Pittsburgh.

AND my birthday is on Friday so be ready for fun. Actually I have to work on Friday and I guarantee I’ll be in panic mode on Friday evening because half of my stuff is still unpacked and I have to have it out on Saturday morning. Oh and my landlord has yet to speak to me or even look at me since I wrote him a letter stating my departure plans. I don’t care either. I just want my f’ing security deposit back. We’re tentatively celebrating my birthday on Saturday evening with a bunch of Peeps at CBW so if you wanna stalk me you know where to find me.

And before I find something else to ramble about, I’m off to pack stuff. See ya all later πŸ™‚

Long Week

July 12th, 2006

It seems like every day this week should have been Friday! A full week of work and no fun is not cool. Last week was great though. I think I forgot to mention that last Thursday I ditched work to go to the most free and awesome baseball game ever with Bryan. Our seats were right behind home base and everything was free! It was awesome, we were like VIP! I’d never been to PNC Park before and I must have been good luck because the Pirates won after losing like a lot of games, I think 12 or 13. Then I was in Ford City, then off to Gettsyburg for four days of awesomeness … so yeah being back in Pittsburgh sucks. Although in two days I’m getting on an airplane for the first time and spending seven whole days in Florida at the beach basking in the sun! And when I get back I’m moving out of my crap-shit apartment … yeah I really should be packing right now, but I’ve basically done nothing so far. Oh well … my goal is to make it to this Friday because I get to hopefully spend some time with the most awesome boy ever and maybe see Gin Blossoms @ Station Square. Regardless, it will be Friday, yeah!

I really don’t have anything else to talk about. I’m just excited that I’m finally beginning to check off all the things on my goals for this year (they may not be anything to brag about, but I’m ok with that). Yeah woo woo.

The End.

Where’d Ya Go … I miss you so

July 6th, 2006

Miss me? πŸ™‚

I just returned from the best trip I’ve ever been on … and I don’t want to be back. Guess I’ll always have the memories though, right?! Last Friday I went out to FC for good ‘ol Heritage Days Fun. I went to yard-sales with my family, watched the 5K race go past my parents house, had some good eats at Heritage Days, watched a good band with my dad, spent some qt with the family and the cats, and had this evil desire to inject my mother with sleeping medicine so she would stop talking. You think I talk a lot? Obviously you haven’t met my mother … she actually talks to herself if she has nobody else to talk to. I also hung out with my grandma and grandpa, ate some good grandma food and got my birthday present from her … a new coffeemaker.

On Sunday night I came back to Pittsburgh, packed up my stuff in my awesome yard-sale suitcase and was ready for the real fun. On Monday, Bryan and I headed out to Gettysburg, PA to visit and tour some of the things from the battle there during the Civil War. I had the BEST TIME EVER. Some highlights from the trip include marching through a field of waist high grass and bugs as we reenacted marching in the battle. I was exhausted by the end of that! Food, a nice hot shower, and a hottie by my side really did a lot to perk me back up for the rest of the evening though. We also toured the Eisenhower farm and got to walk all around the farm and do a tour of the inside of the house which was one of my favorite things. We did a bunch of shopping in Gettysburg, walked around the college campus, and went on a Ghost Tour at night. We also took the auto-tour which took four hours but we got to see a ton of stuff, like Devil’s Den where I took a picture of Bryan on a huge rock that the soldiers hid behind during the battle. There was a cool spot to watch the sunset but it ended up to be a cloudy day and it started to rain in the evening so we didn’t get to do that. Other things that were awesome include our hotel equipped with a huge bed and of course a bathtub where I indulged in a nice hot bubble bath, lots of good food, and of course the town itself … it was just charming. I am now the proud owner of two Gettysburg t-shirts, two Gettysburg key chains, a Gettysburg college key string thing that replaces my Pitt one, and a Gettysburg college coffee mug. I think I’ve fallen in love with the town. Someday I will go there again and never come back. Best three days I’ve had in a long time, and the best tour-guide a girl could ask for.

Pictures will come eventually. Since I took over 100 and still want to see some of Bryan’s, and I’m just too lazy to do it right now!


June 26th, 2006

I slept for about 4 minutes last night and I feel like I’m dying. I tossed and turned and felt soggy and disgusting … I hate the weather, I need air-conditioning. My apartment is gross, my carpet feels wet and sticky and I can’t even walk on it with socks on, I have to wear flip-flops to avoid the nasty feeling. I really need to get to work on packing and trashing things. The back room of my apartment is filled to capacity with junk and it has gotten to the point that I can’t even get into the room … not good.

I have to work until 11 tonight because it’s fun networking night at some company and I must be there. I’m surprisingly not crazy busy today with last minute planning. I’m home for a bit because I’m tired and I don’t want to sit under the fluorescent lights of my office anymore, my eyes feel like they’re falling out. I just want to sleep. I’d come home tonight and sleep until 12 pm tomorrow but I want to use my time to take off early on Friday so I can head out to FC for some weekend fun and Heritage Days, woo. Also, I just ordered some luggage online. I am having it delivered to FC so it better get there by Friday, if not I’m screwed. I shouldn’t put things off until the last minute … after browsing several luggage websites I learned that luggage is not shipped the exact second it is ordered. I suppose I could have gone to a store and bought some too but I think online stuff is cheaper. Where am I going to find a luggage store around here that will sell me a 5 piece luggage set for less than $80 and free shipping? I also really wanted to order the pretty lavender luggage but I figured that I should go with blue, just in case a family member or person of the opposite sex might want to borrow it sometime. Afterall I don’t travel much. I’d love to but I have no money.