
November 6th, 2006

So what girl gets a dozen roses (and a teddy bear) delivered to her at work?  That’s right, me!  Sorry, I have to brag about it … nobody has ever been this sweet to me before, EVER.


November 6th, 2006

Hello, I’m not dead

October 29th, 2006

Hi!  I’m not dead – I’ve just been either busy or lazy.  Caution: the main theme of this entry is ‘Bryan’ – this word shall be repeated several times.  Works for me 😉

In 1,000 words or less, here is an update.  I’m better, although I think I have allergies or something, because I keep getting this tickle when I try to go to sleep and then I start coughing.  My nose is stuffy too.  But I’m not sicky sick, yay!  I’m not liking the fall this year, but I have been having a bit of fun despite the crap weather.  Two weekends ago Bryan and I went on a Haunted Hayride, which also involved getting lost and hungry, and finding comfort at Kings in Penn Hills which was sooo good, oh and it was freaking cold that night.  I forgot my chapstick in the car and the next day a cold sore party invaded my face, ughh.  I’m better now though.  Last weekend Bryan and I went to see “Flags of our Fathers” which was very good.  Of course, Bryan’s idea since he has the interest in wars and such, although I enjoyed it just as he is going to enjoy going to see The Santa Clause movie with me when it comes out … which is very soon!  Although he is the one that keeps reminding me that it is coming out soon, so I’m thinking he secretly really does want to see it ;-).

What else … this past Monday was a big work event I organized, which I was stressed about, but it turned out to be a huge success, so wooo.  On Wednesday I cooked chicken fajitas for Bryan and I for dinner, and they were good … I think.  I also bought chocolate cake and wine to celebrate Bryan’s new success in life to which I wish him the very best and am glad he is happy.  This also means he is going to buy me lots of presents and take me to a tropical island!  No, I’m not kidding … hehe.

Yesterday Bryan and I went to eat at Hoss’s and planned to go to a haunted house at Century III Mall.  We made it to the parking lot at Century III, and then we sat in the car and got to talking and and suddenly we had no desire to go to the haunted house because it was cold and we just wanted to get warm in bed.  So we went to Wal-mart, bought two scary movies and came home and watched one of them.  And the best thing about Bryan is that he knows when to cover my eyes and tell me not to look when we are watching “Land of the Dead” which shows human beings getting eaten by zombies …. I mean disgusting amounts of blood, organs, brain tissue, etc.  He said “don’t watch this part, you will have nightmares” (several times throughout the movie).  I don’t think I’ve ever felt quite that comfortable watching a horror movie with someone, what a sweetie.

This morning we slept in late, went to Waterworks Giant Eagle to get the awesome salad bar, came back and ate til we were stuffed, and layed around and watched TV til about 5.  It was quite a nice and relaxing day.  Today we were discussing how ‘un-halloweeny’ we have been this year.  We planned to go to haunted houses, go to a pumpkin patch, dress up, etc … but that last few weeks have been kind of stressful, the weather sucks, and honestly this weekend was great in my opinion. 

To add to the theme of this blog entry, I don’t think I ever mentioned that I apparently inspired Bryan to start a blog, which he updates just about as frequently as me.  It is in much need of a ‘how awesome Jess is’ entry … at least I think so!

 – 655 words and Bryan mentioned only 9 times … life is good.


Kleenexes stuffed up my nose again

October 8th, 2006

I feel the need to document this: I’m sick.  I have a cold.  I have been taking zicam chewables and so far they are not working.  I am taking Robitussin cough and cold which helps the congestion and hurting cough.  I chose to ignore how sick tylenol cold has made me before … I’m stupid.   I tossed the tylenol cold after being up until 4am last night clutching my chest to make sure my heart was still beating.  I have replaced it with Comtrex – Deep chest cold.  Other than having kleenexes stuffed up my nose and feeling like the room is spinning round and round, I feel just great, not.  I wish medicine would work instead of making me feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest and I am going to fall flat on my face from being dizzy.  I am not mixing medicine unsafely or overdosing – and I’d feel a lot better if I could find one medicine that does everything.  Not that any of the medicine really makes me feel better, it just makes it somewhat more tolerable.  Anyways, haven’t completely lost my voice yet – I’m sure that is coming tomorrow.  I know I haven’t updated in a while.  I will later …. after my next dose of medicine.  At least maybe I’ll be humorous since cold medicine is the equivalent of 5glasses of wine and a big fat blunt.  Hopefully I never get seriously ill and need strong meds …. I’ll probably hallucinate that I’m being chased by 1000 poisonous toads and I’ll jump into a ravine and die.

The day has finally come

September 17th, 2006

I have finally made good on my promise for pictures!  I currently only have pictures from this year up – I will have to carefully weed through older photos and decide what is worthy of posting, but they’ll be coming along soon now that I have a functioning picture viewing mechanism installed on my site.  You can access my photos by clicking the link at the top of the page or if you scroll to the bottom of my sidebar you can see random images and there is a link there that says “View all Pictures”.  Let me know if you notice something is not working!  😉

Adios Coffee-Cat

September 11th, 2006

The other day I realized that I have had the coffee-cat theme up for over a year. It was last August that I got so sick that I couldn’t go to work for four days. I was unable to do anything but lay on the couch with kleenexes stuffed up my nose or sit at my computer and find something to do to take my mind off the fear that I was going to stop breathing or have a stroke/seizure from all the medicine I had ingested. Perhaps all of the cough medicine and anxiety inspired some creativity – but if I have to be that ill to get creative, well I’ll just opt to stay boring. Anyways, I’m working on the pictures section now. It will be up soon.

The weekend was relaxing for the most part. However, on Friday our water-tank began leaking hot water and flooded the basement. I flipped out over it because it just seems like ever since I moved in things keep going wrong. It was fixed by Saturday afternoon, and the electrician came last week and fixed our broken outlets, and next week a guy is supposed to come and put something in to connect the water tank to our drain just in case it ever leaks again, and he said he will fix our step to the upstairs that is wobbly and may collapse soon. So yeah, lets keep our fingers crossed that the house stops breaking!

On Saturday evening Bryan and I went out to dinner at Max & Erma’s in Shadyside and had dinner. Afterwards we went to the Waterfront and saw the movie Taladega Nights. I didn’t think I’d like the movie because I’m not really a Will Ferrel fan, but it was so funny and I loved it! I can’t remember the last time I laughed so much during a movie. I definitely recommend it if you are in the mood for a stupid comedy that is a bit ridiculous, but not too ridiculous to be unbelievable or annoying. On Sunday we had lunch/dinner at Eatin’ Park and I checked out some books at Barnes and Noble. I picked up White Oleander because I think I may have seen the movie and I remember it being an Oprah Book Club book a few years back and there was a big thing about it. I am tired of the usual murder mystery or all the crap about single women going shopping and being bitches. Everytime I go to a bookstore I don’t understand the crap I see sitting on the table where the new books are. All these books with pink covers and high-heels on the front cover about some girl working in Manhattan being a complete bitch. I will admit that I did read “Devil Wears Prada” and it was good, but when I picked up another similar book about a girl living in Manhattan working for yet another Fashion Magazine I’d had enough. Ughh. Anyways, if anyone has any recommendations on good fiction books, let me know!

trying to waste five minutes

September 5th, 2006

It is so hard to do work after a long weekend! It has been a long day, I feel like whining. I’m going out for drinks after work (hooray!) Ok so I’ll only drink one or two, but I don’t care! In other news, um nothing except that I’ve been making a web-album and it sucks but I want to share my glorious photos so I don’t care. By the way, its really ugly outside and I hate it. And every week I keep having to leave my house earlier to get to work. Who knew that school and college students would clog up my road to work to the point where I might as well just walk to work at the rate the bus moves in the morning. Well … if I walked to work it would probably take a really freaking long time. Ok, work is over in one minute so I’m out to get some eat and drink on.

Farewell my friends.

Yeah :)

September 1st, 2006


Is everyone excited about the long holiday weekend? Well, I know I am! I am going to sleep until I cannot sleep any longer because I am a sleep deprived girl with broken feet from walking 340 miles yesterday and from only being able to sleep for six hours a night most nights. I AM TIRED! Besides that exclamation I guess I have been doing things that make me tired. I wish I had more time to relax sometimes, I like to be lazy. Yesterday my grandpa had a big surgery, and is on a long road to recovery from it, but things are ok so far, I probably won’t know much more for a few days. I spent the day with my family sitting in the waiting room up in the sky, watching emergency choppers land on the roof and watch my dad point at every building in Pittsburgh and listen to him say “what is that building?” When I replied “I don’t know” about a hundred times, he decided to venture outside for a walk to see what was around. He returned about a half hour later, claiming that there were ‘scary’ people outside. Well, that’s Pittsburgh Dad.

After all that, I went to Steelers game last night with some sexy guy who likes to spoil me. Yeah how exciting is that! Our seats were like super amazing. Someday I may regret all this good stuff because I’ll go to a sporting event and cry because my seats are mediocre. I could really get used to this! I’m not even going to promise that I’ll put up the pictures from it because I’m already like 7 picture promises behind. I should have some time this weekend though, but I am not promising.

I guess I haven’t written anything in quite a while. I don’t know though – not much is going on. I am not sad, there are no crisises, no major events, nothing great, nothing horrible, nothing annoying …. it’s all good. The last time I did anything else other than go to work and come home was on Saturday when Bryan and I went to North Park and drove some golf-carts and played mini-golf but got cranky because we were both hungry. Then we went to TGI Friday’s and ate lots of food. On Sunday we walked to the cemetary by my house, which is huge. There are a lot of soldiers buried there and there are a lot of very old graves. It is kind of weird that my house is surrounded by two big cemetaries. Spoooooky huh!

That’s about it, have a super-duper weekend and stuff 🙂


August 25th, 2006

I want him. Sooooo adorable. His name is Bear.


August 20th, 2006

I’m not huge mac’n cheese fan or anything, but its good from time to time. But today I consumed what was possibly the worst mac’n cheese ever. I’m not a snob about my food, I mean even the 10 cent boxes from Aldis are pretty good, but I advise everyone against buying the Giant Eagle brand. Bad bad stuff. It was orange and yucky tasting. I put milk and butter in it but it never got creamy, just orange and gross and I couldn’t seem to dissolve the powder, it was clumpy.

Anyways, this past week has been mostly working, sleeping, and pretending to clean. Last week Bryan and I went to Kennywood. It was the perfect day although the lines were kind of long. Bryan won me a turtle, a fish, and a tweety bird so I have many new stuffed animals to find a new home for around here. Last night we went out to dinner and then he won me a cute bear out of the claw machine at Wal-Mart and its the cutest bear ever. I heart boys who win me stuffed animals.

I bought a wooden cube clothes organizer over the weekend and I am happy because I can fit a lot of clothes in it. I’ve been having a clothes storage dilemma and its been making it impossible for me to organize my bedroom. I think I’ve got it all figured out now though, yay! So I’m just chilling today in my room with windows and AC. It’s a lazy do nothing kind of day. I might clean the bathroom later, but all I’ve really done so far is lay around and daydream. I had such a good time last night.
