Oh golly

Much nothing is going on around these parts. I’m bored. I realized something about my job recently. People aren’t very nice. Everyone acts crotchety and bitchy, like something smelly is up their bummies. I might not be the most talkative outgoing person, but usually others compensate my shyness and are able to bring me out of my little tortoise shell. Not really the case at my job. Nobody seems to have much of a sense of humor around there. Welcome to the real world, blaahh. My pizza job was so much more entertaining than this job. People acted fun and silly. I don’t mean that people acted like morons and couldn’t carry on professionally, we could just share a laugh. We have meetings in big conference rooms and I feel like I’m inside of a movie, where lawyers meet in a fancy room and discuss important stuff. Everything is so serious. Ughh. I might be serious, but I don’t like it when others are serious. That probably made no sense. I guess I just like being around people who don’t give a shit and can just go with the flow. Today in a meeting I felt like I was in a funeral home. It was just weird. Maybe that is why nobody likes me. I’m a bitch. Nooo, I’m not … really I’m just a get the job done girl, but I like to make up silly songs and skip around.
My face is breaking out like never before and I can’t make it stop. Everytime I look in the mirror there is a new zit. It’s like a nightmare, seriously. You know the kind where things get ridiculously out of control and you think you are going to go crazy. Maybe it is a bad dream. If I check my website tomorrow and this entry isn’t here, then maybe I can safely look into the mirror and see no zits! Wonderful! I’m dreaming. Everything is going to be ok.

So Todd was a victim of identity theft! Yes, I said IDENTITY THEFT! It was his debit card too. They stole all his real live cash, and it was a lot! Woohoo, how exciting is that! Actually it sucks because now I know it could happen to me. That is why I am going to tuck all of my money away in a sock somewhere. I wonder if there really is somewhere safe I can put my money. I know its bad to keep all of your money in your checking account. I don’t know how much safer a savings account is … I need to get one of those pretty soon. I haven’t had a savings account since high school. Hopefully my bank has advanced beyond the little green pass-books that get cranked into a typewriter everytime you withdraw or deposit money. I thought it was a bit outdated even then. Or maybe I’ll just follow Julie’s footsteps and invest all of my money into a done deal in the stock market. Julie was kind enough to divulge her money making secrets to me, but I swore I wouldn’t tell anyone. And since this is such a popular read, the stock would be inflated and flooded with new buyers by tomorrow and I would have to share my profits with all of you know-nothings. Knowledge isn’t free people.
I wonder if people are embarrased to be around me. I’m so weird and uncool sometimes, I wonder why anyone in the world ever went in public with me. Maybe there is always a sign taped to my back that says “I’m paying him/her to hang out with me.” Just kidding. Well, kind of. Sometimes I feel like certain people like me, but they only like me if I’m locked in a room somewhere. Maybe I should make some new friends that enjoy being in the world with me. I guess I will! I am me and if you don’t like everything about me then get out of my way!

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