Bad Day

Today has left me feeling frustrated, of course completely my own fault. I made a detailed grocery list and when I reached into my purse to grab it at the grocery store it was not there, of course it wasn’t there. I’m stupid. I did not get mad at myself because I knew I could rely on my stupendous memory to recall every single item that I had put on the list. It wouldn’t have been such a problem, but I wanted to try a new recipe and I needed ingredients. Ingredients are necessary, different than just plain old wanting something, like toaster strudels or bagels. But after feeling confident that I had collected everything that had been on my list, I strolled to the check-out and left the store. When I came home I began to make my recipe (pasta fagioli soup). The onions were in the process of sauteeing, and I was hopping merrily around. But I had forgotten one key ingredient at the grocery store, and I hadn’t bothered to check the recipe before I began. I needed some parmesan cheese and I had like a millimeter left in an old jar. Normally I wouldn’t care, but this recipe called for a medium amount of parmesan cheese and I am not one to leave out ingredients, especially during the first-test run. So I hopped onto a magical swan and flew all over town in search of parmesan cheese. I finally found some at a convenience store and I scurried back home. I’m glad I went out and got it because my soup has been tested and I think it is the best soup of the decade. It is definitely a 10++++. This is the first successful (edible) soup recipe that I have tried. My cabbage soup is o.k. but after about three bowls of it I never even want to smell cabbage again. My pasta fagioli is definitely better than any soup I have had this year. I love soup by the way.
I think I am going to put a recipe section on here somewhere. You don’t have to try my recipes, but I will put them on here anyways. If they turn out good. I have a recipes folder in my favorites toolbar and I just realized that half of them aren’t there anymore. I used to get recipes from this one site and I just found out it no longer exists. I am mad now. I should have printed all of the recipes out and put them in a nice little book. Now I’m screwed. Seriously. If I make something that turns out to be edible, I add it to my favorites, aka things Nellie knows how to cook. I’m not good at experimental cooking. I’ve tried. It never works out. I can be creative, but it only sounds good on paper and rarely tastes good in my mouth. I can cook, but I just need guidance. I’m not dumb, just clueless.

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