Screw the fortune cookie rules

Someone who sucks once told me that in order for my fortune to come true, I had to eat the whole fortune cookie and swallow it before looking at the fortune in my hand, and I couldn’t tell anyone my fortune or it wouldn’t come true. So for years I’ve been abiding by this ridiculous fortune cookie rule. Truthfully, I hate fortune cookies. They taste disgusting and sometimes I chew and chew and can hardly bring myself to swallow that pile of mush in my mouth without a big gulp of water. All that for something like “There is a fork in the winding road.” They aren’t even real fortunes and rarely even tell you anything about the future, and the ones that do never come true. So today someone gave me a fortune cookie and I decided that I was totally going to forget the dumbass fortune cookie rule because it hasn’t worked in the past. And even though I don’t like fortune cookies, I can’t just throw it away with that tempting little piece of paper inside. So I tore off the wrapper, cracked open the cookie, pulled out the fortune and tossed the cookie in the trash. Yeah, I’m a rebel! May as well seal my fate by telling everyone what the fortune said.

Fortune cookie says: “Your dearest dream is coming true.”

And since this fortune is going to come true, this must mean one or more of the following:

  • Someone I hate will be murdered by scary killer clown (or anything with a weapon that causes death and isn’t nice)
  • The digital camera from my last post will just magically appear in my hands
  • I’ll find some kickass place to reside and a little magical kitty will come seeking shelter in my adobe hut with me
  • A sack of gold coins will fall out of the sky and I’ll be filthy rich
  • I listed four things just to increase my odds … afterall I can’t really name a ‘dearest’ dream … I have so many, it’s too hard to choose just one.

    2 Responses to “Screw the fortune cookie rules”

    1. Julie says:

      Send your fortune cookies over to me because I love them! Nate always gives me his when we get them. Mmm, fortunes.

    2. Nellie says:

      I’ll send you the cookies minus the fortunes. Those are for me! 😉