I’m boring

I feel boring lately. I have no news to tell the world and everything is the same as it was yesterday, the day before that, and the day before that. Days are starting to blend together because they are so much the same. Recently I started to believe that I was having memory problems because I couldn’t even recall what I had done yesterday, let alone one week ago. But really I think it is because I really didn’t do anything. If I led an exciting life, filled with scary trolls, secret gardens, crazy bars, and labrynth mazes, I’d have lots of stories to tell and and some ambition to remember what I did. Ughh. I have nobody to talk to. I’m just so damn bored right now I could scream. I would message someone on IM but I have nothing to talk about. And I never message anyone anyways because I always feel like I’m bothering someone. I just usually wait for someone to come to me. I’m actually never busy, so it works out quite well. Except that I may be giving out the message that I’m not interested or only talking to be nice, but really …. if more people would call me or message me, or send me an email …. or leave a freakin’ comment on my website, maybe I’d gain some self esteem on the matter. Well I think Julie is probably the only person who reads this and leaves comments. Maybe some random people from Pgh bloggers .. and thats about it. I know someone else who reads it, but doesn’t leave comments, which is fine because he only mentions my website when I write something he disapproves of anyways. There is such a thing as positive feedback but it doesn’t matter anyways. I’m just feeling sorry for myself today. No reason really. I’m going to sit here some more. Maybe I’ll hop on my exercise bike that hurts my ass. I just ate pepperoni pizza and I feel like a tub of lard. I hate exercising though. I wish good food wasn’t so bad for you. Why can’t carrot sticks and potato chips switch places? Not that I eat potato chips often, but if they had the nutritional value of carrots, I’d live on them. They are so tasty.

3 Responses to “I’m boring”

  1. Julie says:

    Lately, anytime I have been on AIM, I have been like “man” everytime someone IM’ed me. Just because it’s always like right when I’m getting ready to go do something else. Sometimes I just get up and walk away in the middle of a conversation. I figure the other person will see me go idle and assume the phone rang or something.

  2. Nate says:

    Hey Jess don’t get too down.

    You and I are in a similiar spot. We are bored with what we do in a regular day. I get down about it too. You gotta just go do something extraordinary. Whether its eat whole pizza on your own or get drunk and wander about oakland at 3am on a wednesday night just to live dangerously.

    I guess you have to take initiative and do something different. Which is hard when all you wanna do is sit down and forget about the boring day you just had at work.

    Find the hobbies you used to do and start doing them again. Or go and splurg on something you haven’t had in a while. Maybe if you ask Julie real nice she’ll agree to eat at India Garden sometime soon. Mmmm Indian food.

  3. Nellie says:

    Aww …. thanks! You know I love you guys! 🙂