I’ve had better days

I’m sick for real this time. As stated here I said I would cry if I got sick from Todd. I don’t know if I’m sick from him, but I’m sick and if I cried I’d probably stop breathing because I can barely breathe by just sitting here. I read about a cold remedy on the internet that said that you are supposed to pour a capful of hydrogen peroxide into your ear and let it sit there. If it bubbles, that means that there is bad stuff (or lots of wax) in your ear and you should leave it in your ear for a few minutes and then tilt your head, drain it out, and repeat until the bubbling stops. Well, being the desperate believe anything is possible until proven to be false, I tried it. The first time it bubbled a lot. It would not stop bubbling so I finally just drained it out and poured new stuff in. After pouring new peroxide in my ear, it disappeared into my body somewhere. I had the same problem with the other ear. Poured peroxide in, peroxide did not come back out … EVER. So I decided I might want to quit doing it just in case I was poisoning myself. I mean, you aren’t supposed to ingest peroxide, so I don’t think it is good to let it seep into your body from your ear. Oh well. I’ve lost my voice completely and right now I can’t even squawk. If I had to call someone, they would hear “screech screech” and they’d probably think some kind of tropical bird was prank calling. I went to work for about two hours this morning to do some random stuff that needed done then I was all clammy and sweaty and came home. It feels like it should be like 11pm right now and I’m so bored. I can’t sit still, can’t sleep, can’t really concentrate on anything. Being sick sucks. If anyone knows any remedies that will cure my inability to talk or just make me better, please share.

6 Responses to “I’ve had better days”

  1. Julie says:

    why would cleaning the wax out of your ear cure a cold??? at least your ears are wax-free now. : )
    i always watch the price is right when i am home sick. it may not be a remedy, but it at least makes me happy.

  2. Nellie says:

    ok, maybe i’ll watch it tomorrow because I’m clueless as to what is on during the day. I watched the news and some bad soap operas today. I can’t explain the ear thing … google peroxide ear cold remedy or something. Apparently the cold enters your body through the ear and that is where the germs are or something. Who knows, was worth a try.

  3. jason says:

    get red wine, warm it up….drink it really fast, and then go to sleep..the warm wine interacts with your body and such and causes you to sweat out the sickness….it works.

  4. Nellie says:

    oh gross, does it really have to be warm?

  5. jason says:

    yes…and it is gross…but it works

  6. […] The other day I realized that I have had the coffee-cat theme up for over a year. It was last August that I got so sick that I couldn’t go to work for four days. I was unable to do anything but lay on the couch with kleenexes stuffed up my nose or sit at my computer and find something to do to take my mind off the fear that I was going to stop breathing or have a stroke/seizure from all the medicine I had ingested. Perhaps all of the cough medicine and anxiety inspired some creativity – but if I have to be that ill to get creative, well I’ll just opt to stay boring. Anyways, I’m working on the pictures section now. It will be up soon. […]