More of the same

This is basically a sequel to the last rant. I’m just not happy this time of year.

This morning I awoke to the ringing of my doorbell. Expecting it to be my stupid landlord coming over to yell about something I sighed and opened the door. Since cave-dwellers are not used to sunlight, I was immediately blinded by a burst of sunshine … oh and this cute guy. So he was asking me if he could bring over a big orange extension cord so they could vacuum their apartment. They are moving in today and have no electricity. Being the nice person I am, I offered him one of my outlets to do his stuff. I think he is the same guy who was there last year, but who knows … they all look the same to me. Standard tall, muscular guy with nice brown hair, sporting a shirt. They’re everywhere. Blah, I may have called him cute, but that is about it. Yes, he is appealing to look at, but so is Cheers. And after a while everything just looks the same. If I ever saw him walking down the street, I wouldn’t recognize him most likely. Anyways, my point is that last year the people who lived next door had parties all the time. When the weather was nice, they would party out on the balcony which is above my apartment and slightly to the left. The balcony can’t be more than 5′ by 5′ but they managed to squeeze at least 30 people out on that balcony. I often wished it would just come crashing down once and for all and it all be over. So I’d wake up the next morning to find at least 2 or 3 smashed beer bottles waiting for me outside my front door. Lovely. One morning one of the guys was out there actually sweeping up the bottles and he apologized to me. That was only one time though. The other times, the bottles just sat there because I don’t have a broom. I have a vacuum and a swiffer, and neither are going to be sacrificed for some broken shards of glass that some stupid drunk people dropped off the balcony. Anyways, I’m sure my landlord is going to come over any minute and yell at me for letting someone else use “HIS” electricity. I live in a big house, but my landlord only owns my half of it. The other half is owned by some rich wannabe hotshot who drives an Orange hummer and doesn’t care that his tenants throw garbage everywhere and make this place even more miserable to live in. Under the balcony next door there is like a little backyard. I can’t get to the backyard because there is a fence up. Anyways, they throw all their stuff off the balcony and it looks like a mini-landfill over there. The basement door over there has been broken for almost a year and there are probably stray animals living in it. There is also a mattress that has been sitting out there since I moved in, a few tires, and some other random junk. And on top of that, my old refrigerator is now just laying out in the parking lot/ alley. I should really file a complaint. Oakland needs to be condemned.

2 Responses to “More of the same”

  1. Julie says:

    You should have charged the extension cord guy a fee!

  2. Nellie says:

    He did offer me $5 but don’t pay the electricity so I don’t relaly care. I did take the risk of having my landlord eat me or something. Maybe because I was nice, I will not have beer bottles thrown at my door anymore. One can dream, right?