Boredom plus alcohol equals ranting

According to Julie I’m a garbage lady. That is nice of her to say about her friend. She could have called me scrappy or resourceful, but instead I’m referred in words that just don’t describe me. Garbage? No, I might be messy but I’m not all about garbage. Garbage attracts flies and I do not. Lady? Ladies are proper, prim, and I think of ladies as old. Like old lady. I’m a girl. Nobody says old girl. And I’ll never be old so I’ll never be a lady. Obviously I’m bored. Todd threw me to the side of the road to talk to his mom and watch a movie so I have nobody to talk to. I’m Sad.

Earlier tonight, Nate, Julie and myself went to the Pgh bloggers fest. I don’t really think I fit in too well. I’m anti-social and didn’t have a business card. Haha, just kidding but I think someone did give me a business card! So I just joined the Pgh bloggers and am sad to say that I never read any of the blogs there and since I don’t just go up to people and talk to them I was kind of left out of the mingling and bonding scene. I had Julie & Nate though, who are the only friends I really need. They kick ass .

Anyways, I’m bored because its only 9:45 and I drank three beers. If I don’t do something to stimulate my brain I’ll fall asleep. I guess I’ll just sit here and try out this Yuengling light. I never had it before, but ya know its ONLY 99 calories! Ha. So I’ll be drunk in a bit. I must be turning into an alcoholic. I have drank more beer in the past few weeks than I have drank in like the last two years. Hey, alcoholism runs in the family … and I do believe that I am correct that studies have proven that you are at a much higher risk to become an alcoholic if people in your family are. Well, there is my mom, my uncle, my great uncle, my grandfather. … and the list goes on. Its all around me … on both sides of the family. I can’t ever picture myself being an alcoholic though. I don’t really like getting drunk. And I get hungover very easily. Oh well, I could probably be a pot addict if I didn’t fear that usage would turn me into a schizophrenic. I am way too paranoid. Man, I need to stop writing!

Bye 🙂

4 Responses to “Boredom plus alcohol equals ranting”

  1. Rob says:

    I’m the knucklehead in the black shirt that said “UnSpace.”

    I’m sorry I missed you in the group. There were a lot of people and it was sort of confused and hard to hear. I did a lot of lip reading tonight. I’d have liked to have met Julie and Nate, too.

    Maybe next time.

  2. Funky Dung says:

    Don’t worry. You weren’t the only shy one there. Had I not known Mike and Rob, I’d have been lost and helpless. I’m good with people once I get to know them a little. The ice-breaking phase is really hard for me. Please come to the next one and introduce yourself to me. Shy people of Da Burgh, unite! 😉

  3. Nellie says:

    Wow, the two most famous Pgh bloggers have posted on my site! Funky Dung – isn’t your photo in the Pgh Gazette with Rob? I feel special! Thanks for the welcome guys … I’ll come to the next one and mingle and jingle! Of course, I will have to be intoxicated, because hate to say it but that is about the only thing that gets me talking in a large group of unfamiliar people. 🙂 😉

  4. Wojo says:


    Thanks for straightening me out, and clarifying your experience at the Blogfest. I was just concerned that you really didn’t have a good time, felt excluded somehow, etc. Your comment over @ Grabass made me feel a lot better!
