ISO New Home

I think I want to move … maybe around this December or next April. Currently I’m paying off any debt I currently have and want to save some loot to hire some movers and buy a few furniture items since my place is furnished and the furniture I have stored at my parents house is just plain old fugly. The biggest thing I need to buy is a new bed. I actually own my bed, it is one of the only things here that is mine, but its a full sized bed, sagging in the middle, and pretty much shot. I cannot settle for a new small bed. It must be a new BIG bed. I also want to move somewhere with windows, allows cats, has dishwasher, a/c, a bathtub (not just standing shower), and laundry facilities somewhere (doesn’t necessarily have to be inside the apartment but would be nice). I’m willing to pay electric, but not gas. Rent must be cheap. I mean, I’m not going to beat the rate I have here, but still, the cheaper the better. And I need to live somewhere with stores nearby, and public transportation. I am a very quiet individual and I don’t have parties. Friends may visit occasionally, but most likely not. Parking is not necessary because i don’t have a car. I pay my rent early and the check won’t bounce. In fact, I can give you a year’s worth of checks in advance, all postdated to the due date if you like. If you are a landlord willing to make me an offer I cannot refuse, please email me: nellie at coffeebration dot com. I can give you references. THANKS.

7 Responses to “ISO New Home”

  1. Julie says:

    my building has all those things with the exception that you can’t have cats. but there are a hundred other places to live in squirrel hill – the neighborhood of champions! just don’t look for places with walnut capital.

  2. Nellie says:

    Haha, Walnut Capital. We are renting an apartment for someone through them at work. We have to pay $775 a month for a one bdr. apartment and I don’t think its exactly luxury.

  3. Nellie says:

    Sorry, don’t think I can live at Mozart … not just the fact that I cannot have a cat, but if by chance a kitten wandered by, this is what Mozart has the right to do, I mean since I live there, which clearly means I signed their ridiculous lease:

  4. Julie says:

    do cats often wander in, up the elevator, and into a locked apartment? yeah, that part of the lease is kind of funny. a lot of people on the internet bitch about mozart, but they are mostly stupid people. like “they charge you a late fee if you pay your rent late! they tried to make me pay all the months left on my lease when i moved out 5 months early!”

  5. Nellie says:

    I did read the reviews and most of them were stupid, normal things, that just happen. The facts of life people! The animal part just seemed a little offensive and lease sounds like it was written for irresponsible 12 year olds. I like #47 on the lease that states that in the event of your death, your heirs and executors will be responsible for completing the agreement of the lease. I guess I’ve seen other bad ones. I don’t even have a lease right now, but when I first moved in here I signed one and one thing on it was like “no members of the opposite sex may visit for more than one hour, and are by no means permitted to stay over night”. So I guess my brother can’t even stay over here!

  6. Julie says:

    Wow, really? Does your landlord think he is running a dormitory or something? What if you are a lesbian? I guess that means you can have hot lesbian sex any hour of the day.

  7. Nellie says:

    For the first few months I lived here, he would frequently ask me “if I was sure nobody else was living here” and one day he barged into my apartment to make sure there wasn’t a small dog here. I just thought he was senile, but now he doesn’t bother me anymore about that stuff. Think he is just paranoid about people ripping him off or not abiding by his rules. Now that I’ve lived here and he sees nobody but me coming and going, and he’s been in my apartment numerous times, he knows nobody else lives here and there are no animals. And it never mattered, he can’t sue me over anything because I have no lease. I only subletted for three months, and the lease expired in August 04 and I have never signed anything since, so I guess he can’t legally do anything but kick me out if I break his laws. And I didn’t pay the security deposit because I subletted. Actually the security deposit carried over to me and I was supposed to pay the other girl back but she said “you can pay me whenever” then she disappeared off the face of the earth. So, I could get screwed out of getting it back since I don’t have a lease, however I never paid it to begin with so it would be a free chunk of $$ for me!