Amazing funny discovery!

It doesn’t really work, at least not for me because I tested it, but I would love to show you what I discovered in Oakland … conveniently located on Louisa Street, approximately half way between Atwood and Meyran Ave.

And yes, I really did try it out.

It didn’t work though. Oh well, its on my way to work, so I’ll stop by everyday and see if its working. If I disappear off of the face of the earth one of these days, you know what happened! So I was on my way home, and still had my camera in tote, wondering if there was anything else stupid I could take pictures of. Then it dawned on me that I really should take a picture of all of the garbage outside of the apartment beside mine. Then I could print out the pictures and send them to the landlord, and I’m sure I could find his address on the Allegheny Country Property Assessment page. Free knowledge people, you can’t be an anonymous owner these days. Actually I did look him up once and he lives in Sewickley and had a pretty nice friggin’ house. I guess he’s too busy enjoying his riches to care about the dump he is creating here. Anyways, anger was again building up inside just thinking about it, and I was all ready to take some pictures. But when I got back, something amazing was happening. The new tenants were cleaning it up. They had vacuums and were vacuuming out the basement where trolls are probably living due to the broken window. The dirty old mattress was gone. The litter all over the ground was gone and all of the rotting garbage bags were gone! I was stunned. I just stood there and stared because I had never seen it clean before. So maybe the teleporter is working in a mysterious way … transporting me into a cleaner environment! Or perhaps it brings good luck!

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