I’m sorry

I’m sorry livejournal, but I cannot update here. I try to but I never really feel like typing in this box. I’ve tried livejournal for a while. I’ve tried my own website …. and nothing ever works. Something is holding me back. Pictures need to be posted. I need links. I need a cool calendar. I need more stuff. I need to be able to make it the way I want it, and I need some space for other things besides words. Sometimes I do not feel like sitting down and posting anything at all. Lately I’ve been consumed with other things. Livejournal is not making me happy anymore. I used to love LJ, but now I just think it is not for me. Obviously I have not updated in a long time. Now I have a new place to put junk. I still can’t promise regular updates, but I will have a journal section. So everyone, keep your eyes open for my new place 9-lives.net.

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