Kitty Love

Thought I’d post this picture of Kitty, taken a few weeks ago when he was ever so graciously letting me do a kitty photo shoot. Unfortunately kitty isn’t the most photogenic cat in the world, and although the pic is cute … I can never seem to get a picture of him that portrays his true personality, the most lovesick kitty in the world that wants to cuddle, love, purr, and play rolly-polly all day long. He tries to be a tough boy when I snap the camera but don’t let him fool ya … he’s definitely not the hard-ass he tries to portray himself to be!

Nothing much else going on. Went to Kings this afternoon and had a small portions turkey dinner .. yummm! Todd got his strawberry milkshake so his foot should be all better. Other than that, not much. I haven’t had nearly enough coffee today yet so I think I’m going to make a pot and settle down and create something on the internet.


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