Finding old stuff is Great!

Last night Todd and I were having a discussion about webpages and CSS while I was being useless in helping him figure out why his page was messed up since I really don’t understand percentages or anything really about CSS except I know that the way I do it works and thats all I know. Anyways, he went back to his webpage from like 1995 on AOL and was like, this was all hand-coding! I was like, yeah the good ol’ days before I discovered movable type, wordpress, and CSS. There was no such thing as a template, I just made everything with Microsoft Publisher and it looked good! Which made me think back to the webpages I’ve made before. Curiosity got the best of me so I searched through my computer and found my old page I made when I went to Pitt. Some of you might remember this:

And upon further investigation I found all of my entries from April – December 2002! I completely forgot that I was creating html pages for my journal before I discovered livejournal. Prior to the page above, I had a Diaryland journal in 2001, which has been deleted and purged. Same thing with my LiveJournal entries from January – August 2003. So, people …. don’t use online diaries because you’ll never get your stuff back. Now they have fancy import / export tools with just about all blogging programs, and since Livejournal was bought by Sixapart its a lot more like movabletype, etc. But this was way before any of that went down. Anyways, if you look closesly above you can see that the entry is actually from February 2003 because I was doing this thing with LiveJournal where it would automatically crosspost something to my website when I updated LiveJournal. However, my webpage did not create an html page of this because it would just overwrite the entry on the main page each time I updated and then give a link to LiveJournal as the source for the rest of the entry. So anyways, I’m going to work tonight on uploading a select number of worthy entries from April – December 2002 into my archives on this site. Most of it is about how cool Todd is, how cute he is, and how much I love him … since we met in May 2002 and I was just a drooling lovesick dork for most of the year. It also chronicles my move to Pittsburgh from Indiana, learning how to ride the bus, and learning that Pittsburgh is a scary place to live when you grew up in a town with a population of 3,000. Yay!!!

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