I’m sorry

Sorry for the ranting on the last entries. And sorry to anyone who had to actually experience my whining and bitching. I was not in a good mood. It was Friday night and I probably needed to take a nap. I didn’t feel well, my head was pulsating and this guy upstairs was blasting the entire “Queen” album and stomping and clapping to songs such as “Another one bites the dust” and “We will rock you”. I think he was alone too. Scary. My new phone was not functioning and then my computer got attacked with an unearthly amount of pop-ups and spyware. And to top it all off, I totally forgot to watch the season premiere of “Joan of Arcadia”.

I’m better now. Today I’m tired and groggy, but that is what 5 hours of sleep does to me. I need 10 hours of sleep. Not 5,6,7,8 or 9. 10. With ten hours of sleep I feel like the Queen Bee. I rock. With five hours of sleep I feel like the fly that just got sprayed with a half of a bottle of hairspray, but just won’t die.

I’m starting a new exercise routine tomorrow. And this time I am going to be serious about it. My new job consists of sitting and doing nothing. I walk up and down the steps about 10 times a day, but its not a lot of steps. My work is only a two story building, and I work on the second floor. And I only have to go downstairs to mail something, visit the accounting department, or to go outside. I need a workout buddy, but then again that could just get annoying. People suck sometimes and there are days that I don’t want to have contact with humans after work. Sometimes I don’t even want to have contact with humans at work, but that is osmething I just have to deal with.

There was something else I was going to say but I forget.

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