I am an idiot

I always have problems with my cable bill, I don’t know why. Between my stupidity and the cable company’s stupidity, nothing is ever right. Last time I had cable, they sent me this notice one day that said I hadn’t paid my bill in like 4 months and when I called they told me that my cable was being shut off or something. Except I did pay the bill every single time. Then I had to fax stuff to them to prove it. It was because I payed with bill-pay through PayPal, and they just forgot to record my payments or something. Oh well, I ended up getting a month of cable for free out of it.
So, I just moved here and got cable. I had paid for the first month of cable over the phone before they came and set it up. My first bill was due on July 7th. Well, stupid me went online to comcasts online paying place and paid the bill with my online account. When I signed in it said that my statement would be available after I made my first payment, so I wasn’t too concerned. But today I got a shut-off notice in the mail, and man was I pissed. So I went to my online account and was like “Yeah I paid”, but my statement still wasn’t there. Then suddenly a light bulb turned on inside of my stupid brain. OH! I paid a non-existent bill. I called Comcast and my worst fears were reaffirmed. Anyways, when I paid the bill and it posted to my old account which is closed. But it gets a little trickier. My old account is closed, but the phone number on it, which is probably still Julie’s wants to post to somewhere on Bigelow Blvd. Help!!! So the money is just hanging out in space. GRRR. It isn’t that hard to fix, but she told me the accounting department will probably get mad and not understand. Oh well, it is my fault. I was the stupid one this time. I shouldn’t have assumed that if I just went online and paid my bill, that they would magically figure out where it was supposed to go. It is ok when I cause my own aggravation and make someone else deal with it … but if it is the other way around, well then you are a fat whore and I want to see your fat ass run over by a truck. Ha!

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