I heart my apartment

My apartment is cool. My bathroom was fixed today. It had a leak and a rotting cupboard. The leak was fixed, the ceiling was replaced, and I got a new cupboard that smells like the inside of Home Depot. Mmmm … the smell of new stuff … I like it! Ummm … I have to clean A LOT. I got a swiffer wet-jet. I love it. Everything is clean, I just need to organize. My bathroom is pretty much done, as is the kitchen, and soon my closet and dressing room will be too. Oh and my bedroom is almost done too. That leaves my living room … a big heap of boxes. Blah. I think I will just throw all of my stuff away. I have more stuff than the average person. My landlord thinks I am hiding someone in here. He expressed concern that I am lying about living here by myself. However, he has been here for the past two days unattended, so he has had plenty of time to snoop and realize that I am not housing spanish refugees here. It is ok because he is really old and cute. Did you ever notice that old men are cute but old women are nasty? Too bad I’m a woman. If I live to be old I will be nasty also. At least according to me. Haha. Saturday is my two year anniversary with Todd. Woo-hoo! Congrats to us! Todd is playing a wedding and I am going out. What a way to spend 2 year anniv! Oh well. I decided that we will celebrate later in the week with one of my famous home cooked meals. I have not cooked dinner for us since I moved from my apartment in the land of Oaks. That is because I lived in the weird house with no kitchen table. I hated cooking there because people were always snooping around my food and I had to eat in my bedroom. Poop on that. I have a kitchen and a really awesome kitchen table! Yay. I will post pictures of my apartment as soon as I get finished cleaning which will hopefully be done by Sunday night. Ok, time to continue cleaning. Bye!

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