It has been sooo long!

Right now I am watching Roseanne … YES I am watching Nick@Nite AGAIN! The cable magically came back today. Neato — but after tomorrow it won’t matter. The cable dudes are coming to my new apartment on Thursday morning to hook up my cable, so I have to take my TV over there soon. And I’m moving in 4 days!! I can actually live there now … I mean it is mine now. But my stuff is not there, so I am not there. Now I just need a good job … that is top on my list of things to accomplish. I don’t want to be poor all summer and have no fun. I want to go to Kennywood and go to all the festivals and have money to spend. I want money damnit. LOTS OF MONEY! Short update, but I’m going to go now cause I’m tired.

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