
I seriously need to get a good night’s sleep. Instead I sleep on a couch, toss and turn all night, set my alarm for 5am and hit snooze about 343 times before actually getting up. I know that this is a full two hours where I could be resting in a deep sleep instead of being interrupted every nine minutes by my british siren alarm on my cell phone, but that is the way it has to be. It is a psychological thing. If my alarm clock went off for the first time at 7am and I had to just get out of bed and do the morning dance, I’d be miserable and depressed. I actually love waking up at 5am knowing I can sleep for two more hours. I pull the blanket back up over my head and wonder back into dreamland. There have been days when I have accidentally shut off my alarm clock and fallen back into a deep sleep until 8am or so … and when I wake up and realize I have to jump up and get a three second shower, I just want to die. I am grumpy until at least noon when that happens. Anyways, I’m hopefully getting a new bed this weekend, so maybe that will help.

I really want to give a recap of my weekend and post all the awesome pictures I took with my kick-ass new camera, but I’m dedicating the rest of my evening to getting my photo site up and running. I know I mentioned it like a month ago, but I’ve been extremely frustrated with every single photoblog program I install. I want to host the pictures myself, and I’m determined to do it. I’ve tried everything. Gallery 1, Gallery 2, Pixel Post, WordPress Photo Templates … the list goes on and on. I’m frustrated because everything looks horrible and the navigation sucks. I’m not a photoblogger, I just want to put every single picture I own onto something that you can actually navigate through. But I find that when I actually manage to organize the photos, once I click on one picture, the navigation goes to hell. I’m just very unhappy and in disbelief that something this simple fails to exist. So now I’m trying something called iPAP. It is actually pretty cool. I like the navigation and kind of has a blog look and feel to it. So I’m fervently working to upload all of my pictures and get it looking half decent. I’ll keep you updated.

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