Twenty-Two going on Forty

I was trying to organize some things around here and I came across my old photo-albums as I often do, but this time it was different. Instead of looking at myself and thinking “wow you were fat then” or “girl did you have a bad hair-cut or what?”, this time I just looked at all of my pictures and thought, “wow I look old now”. I suppose that it is only natural that I begin to look older since “duh” I am getting older, but I feel like I look about 35. I can’t remember the last time I was actually carded for something. I can’t remember the last time I looked at myself in the mirror and actually felt like I looked sexy. The other day I was plucking my eyebrows using a little mirror and I detected some wrinkles on the corners of my eyes. That is possibly due to the fact that I rub my eyes a lot but its not just that. If I put on any type of shirt other than a baggy t-shirt, I don’t feel very perky (you know what I mean). Not that I was ever really perky, but whatever. Err. Maybe I just feel that I look old because I act old. I never really do anything these days. I work, I eat, I sleep, and I sit on a chair. Maybe winter is just really getting me down. I’m thinking of getting a fake tan just because I always feel healthier, spunkier, and hotter when I have some color. I don’t know what it is lately, but I don’t feel like I’m 22. I just feel gross.
Anyways, tomorrow is Valentines Day and guess what I’m doing! Come on, just guess! Yep. Working. All night long. I never work Saturday nights but a co-worker of mine asked me to switch shifts with him because he wants to do something with his girlfriend. Awww, how sweet. How could I say no? It would be selfish of me to say no since my Valentines Day plans include: sitting at home. Alone. Watching TV. Shoving unhealthy food into the hole in my face. Now I can make some money so I can go buy myself a Valentines Day present. I need a computer chair in the worst way. My computer chair is a wooden reject kitchen chair that I know for a fact is decades old. I want a nice, swively, cushiony, chair! They have one at WalMart for $35. It isn’t the nicest one in the world, but it will do. Cure that sore bum! Only $35! Hrmphh. I’ll probably opt to save my money in the case that I NEVER find a better job. Sorry bummy … tylenol works almost as well (and its a lot cheaper).

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