There’s no snowmen in hell

Ahh, I just opened my front door and about 15 dead crumply leaves blew into my apartment and scattered themselves in hard to reach corners of my kitchen floor. It is like a tornado out there! And who knew there were actually leaves in Pittsburgh? That would mean there must be trees. They must have blown over here the whole way from Schenley Park because the only things on my street are garbage and ugly bushes.

I don’t have much to say today, but I thought I’d update before I got yelled at so here begins a rambling mess of nothing really interesting. This weekend was kind of boring. I hope this coming week goes by quickly. I have a huge event at work tomorrow and I’m all alone in planning it so I’m sure I won’t get any sleep tonight. I’m kind of nervous about it, but I think everything is going to be ok. I guess I just get like this because this event has mostly all CEO’s and Presidents of various companies at it. But I was thinking …. ya know I have good relations with so many important people in this city and if I ever start putting out my resume for a new job there are bound to be people who will recognize my name. Even if a lot of them have never met me, they are going to say “hey wait a minute, I know this name!” Either that or they’ll throw my resume in the trash because I’m that annoying girl that keeps calling and sending emails. I hope its the first one because I need a better job soon. I think that I might dust off the resume sometime after the new year. Even though Brian and I have three plans to get insanely rich and buy an island. Which of course will be happening very soon, so I don’t even know why I’m looking for a new job. Of course, I can’t divulge our plans to get rich because someone could steal our brilliant ideas.

I’m also going to a Penguins game with Brian on Saturday … this sooo exciting, since I’ve never been to a hockey game before. Nor have a I been to a Steelers game, and I did go to a Pirates game when I was like 13 and Julie went too. It was a field trip for being in the Newspaper club. Haha, our newspaper in high school was quite bad. Anyways, I’m going to a hockey game! And since hockey is the only sport that I can watch without wanting stab myself in the face, I’m very excited!

I bought the new Wheatus CD online so I’m waiting for it to come in the mail. It is finally on iTunes, but I want the lyrics and they are nowhere on the internet yet – it only came out last month. I hate waiting! The internet is supposed to eliminate waiting. The last CD purchase was American Idiot. I really don’t buy CD’s often. I average one or two per year, but this was definitely worth the $11.98. Last week I bought “The Shining” on DVD – the good one that was made into a mini-series with cute Steven Weber. I will never forget the first time I saw that movie. It came out on TV in 1997 – so that made me sixteen. Anyways, I was horrified that cute Mr. Weber from Wings could be that evil! It has haunted me ever since. Obviously since he made an appearance as the evil villian who threw a gasoline soaked rag at a flaming furnace while the world was being destroyed by a flaming fireball in one of my natural disaster dreams that took place in January. If you’re really bored, you can read the dream here. Anyways, I really want to watch it again but its like five hours. I was holding out to watch it on Todd’s new 30″ HD plasma television madness that he bought, but since we’re never speaking again I guess that isn’t going to happen. It is funny how less than 48 hours ago he wanted to be with me and work things out, but when I said I didn’t think things were going to work out, he decided that he was never talking to me again. Instead he chooses to put up away messages about wanting sex and then goes and hangs out with Kelly all weekend – makes pumpkin pies with her and takes her to his formal and never comes back …. and he wonders why I can’t deal with any of this anymore. And the away messages certainly weren’t joking hints to me, since sex is the last thing on his mind regarding me, and the fact that he’s blocked me on IM anyaways. Ughh, that is all for the rant on my ongoing drama. I just want it (the fighting and drama) to be over – one way or another.

Anyways, back to Wheatus which is obviously much more important than anything else in my life …. I’ve become obsessed with a song called “This Island”. I am writing about in case I someday forget how much I love this song and need to be reminded. This is the ultimate song if you are unhappy where you are in life, sad, or just want to listen to a pretty peaceful song. This song can make me burst into tears (of course that doesn’t take much with me) … it just sounds like a song that you’d play at the end of a movie … with a sad ending. If you ignore the part of the song that sounds like there is a circus in the background, its wonderful.

I want to redesign coffeebration because I’m getting sick of looking at it, but I don’t have the patience right now. Sitting at my computer for long periods of time in website designing concentration mode makes me want to smoke. I don’t think I can do it right now … I’m still painfully suffering from withdrawal. I’m quickly approaching week six though and I’m pretty certain that nothing will make me go back to smoking. I can do anything I put my mind to I just have to want to do it. And coffee still tastes damn good, I feared that coffee would lose its appeal without the cigarette to accompany it but it hasn’t. So perhaps I’ll work on it some today. And by the way, I know what is going on on my website, myspace, etc. Please stop it.

I wish somebody woud come over and take my laundry to the laundromat. I have so many dirty clothes and I’m seriously contemplating throwing half of them away and buying new stuff. I think I’ll wait until my body comes out of its cocoon and reveals the new sexy me. That damn exercise bike better start paying off soon. I know, its only been a week but I hate waiting for results. And I’m letting my hair grow so I can do the “sexy hair wave” that I learned about from Brian. Also, if my hair is longer I might look more like Madelin Kahn and she’s pretty hot. And if all else fails maybe I’ll get some hair extensions, because like I told Brian ….. I’m a girl and I want hair! I don’t see what is wrong with that. I haven’t had nice pretty long girl hair since I was a kid. And then when I was in 5th grade I got this horrible mullet hair cut and cried for three days straight and refused to go to school. It was the WORST hair cut EVER!!!! They were supposed to “feather” my hair. Instead I had hair that was below my shoulders in the back, but then the front was above my ears! I’d love nothing more than to find the girl that cut my hair and stab her 34343 times for the pain she caused me. It took over a year to grow out. And then I got a perm and looked like a poodle. Adding glasses and braces to a poodle perm …. well I was 100% geek and life was just never the same again. Any chance to ever be remotely cool was swept away and it all started with the mullet hair cut. Before that I was cute, oh I was such a cute child.

Anyways, I’ve rambled enough. Goodbye.

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