Me Me Me, Again …. hate me if you must

I’m going out tomorrow to buy myself some fuzzy boots and a new winter coat so I don’t die from hypothermia rather than lung cancer this winter. I gotta make sure I’m covering all my bases in the not dying department cause this quitting smoking thing would be a waste of time and energy if I just died from something else totally preventable! And then Thursday evening will be my one month anniversary. I’m really going to be celebrating it on Friday though because I technically didn’t quit smoking until 10:30 p.m. on September 27th, so I’m rounding it to the 28th which was my first full day of being a non-smoker. So if you want to celebrate my success with me I’ll consider it. That is if you are going to be buying me something cause I like presents. I know I’ve been really “I want I want” lately like the world owes me everything and some more. I guess its just a phase. I feel like everyone owes me some happiness cause its been a crappity few months. And I know I’ve made others feel crappy in my cycle of life-destruction. I’m sorry. It’s going to get better. I promise. I’m feeling tired of making everyone miserable. I just have to go back to the mind set that life isn’t forever and I just need to chill and remember what is important. There are too many good things in the world to continually be pissed off every single day that God gives me life. And before I get into some philosophical discussion with myself about the meaing of life, I’m going to just stop typing. Have a good night all!

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