Kind of Blah

Monday, October 28, 2002

If you are hungry, insert your poop onto a stick, put it in the freezer, and in a few hours you will have some delicious poopcicles! If you are ugly, put your face in the blender and set it to puree. Your face will be mush, therefore ugliness will not exist, unless of course you think that mush is ugly. And who would ever think mush could be ugly!

Grrr … this weekend/week/life has sucked. I have a test tomorrow, whoo-hoppy-doo. I have not studied for it at all. On Friday, someone broke into Todd’s car in front of my apartment and stole his cell phone. On Sunday, Todd’s car became a crunchy peanut butter sandwich. He was in an accident, but he is ok – thank God.

In other shitty news, my cat is sick. He had an ear infection so he went to the vet. He is better now, but apparently he went insane because now he is ripping the hair out of his body. Hopefully it is just stress from being sick and having his body invaded by mean doctors. I hope he gets better because he is my Halloween kitty since he is black, and I am going home on Thursday.

Not much else to update – life is mega-sucky lately, mostly for Todd and I feel really bad but I guess there isn’t too much I can do about it, and that just makes me feel crappier.

Today my hair decided to turn back into a mop and stick straight up off of my head – just in time for Halloween. Hopefully it will go back to normal once I take a shower. I had it pulled up, so maybe that is what distorted it. Sometimes my hair is like a mold, I can just touch it and it does something. Other times, it is like a windy storm, and no matter what I do it looks like mangled seaweed. Oh well, for those of you have nice hair, be happy and don’t take it for granted. OR, cut it off, make it into a wig, and give it to me.

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