“I’d go broke, selling you as a pez dispenser”

Wednesday, June 26 2002

Here is a list of things that make me happy and a corresponding list of things that make me unhappy.

I’m happy because:

    My boyfriend sings me songs.
    I found money in my bag of tostitos
    There are little tomatoes sprouting on my tomato plant
    I will be 21 in one month and 2 days

I am unhappy because:

    It is seriously too hot to live.
    I sweat profusely and have to change my clothes every hour.
    I cannot sleep.
    There is animated/talking farm machinery on TV.
    There are pimples on my face.

I made that list yesterday but my feelings towards these issues have not significantly changed in the last 24 hours. Nothing has happened since my last update. I didn’t fall into a coma preventing me from life, but nothing sensational has really occurred over the past five days. I don’t remember doing anything on Sunday which probably means that I really did nothing. Todd came over at some point and it was scorching hot outside. We sat outside on the balcony and had fun with ice cubes. I think it temporarily cooled us off. Todd did some laundry and we walked to Sunoco. Courtney came back Monday night, and her, myself, Kelly, and Nathan played Mario Kart, ate ice cream, and drank some beer. On Tuesday I listened to Todd sing songs about selling me as a pez dispenser. I fell asleep at 2am and woke back up at 6am. I resuscitated my love for Big Money from 6am-8am and then fell back asleep. Today Courtney went on a date with a boy named Kevin. Apparently she had a good time because they are planning on getting married next week. Todd came over and brought me a present ala blender. It is the most awesome gift in the entire world, and although he didn’t have to buy me anything to prove that he is the best boyfriend in the universe, it sure didn’t hurt anything. We watched some TV while Courtney gave us a recap of her date. She informed me that I tried to get it on with her lover which I was unaware of. Then she kicked Todd in the stomach and hurt him. She proceeded to lock us out on the balcony and go away. I think she is on a quest to destroy my life. I am meeting my grandparents for lunch tomorrow so I should probably go to sleep. BZZYE

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