Taking a lunch break

I’m going for a walk. Perhaps I will never return. Maybe I will just walk off into the sunset and go wherever the happy people go when they walk off into the sunset. This will be goodbye because I assume that those who walk off into the sunset don’t end up back in their crummy apartments in a dirty ugly crapsack city. I just made up crapsack. Good word. Like crap in a sack, thats a great way to put it!

Oh you know I’m just kidding! I heart crapsack! Today I thought I would take a lunch break, something I haven’t done in like a month. I mean a REAL freaking lunch break, where I leave the building and do not return for a full hour … or two … or who is really counting anyways? Today I was gone approximately 1 hour and twenty minutes. When I returned I stomped and got the evil eyebrow face because I had not one, not two, not five … but nine messages for me. I don’t understand how the world can go to shit in less than an hour. GO.AWAY.WORLD.

Oh yeah, and I like diet pepsi now. I can’t even taste the diet taste anymore. However, diet coke is absolutely disgusting and it is flat. Diet Dr. Pepper is not too bad. I gave up the pop thing for a while, but now I say “eh, who cares about teeth!” Teeth are stupid anyways. I had a big black globule inbetween my two front teeth this morning. As I brushed my teeth, a whole bunch of blood started coming out. Moldy gingavitis! I just totally guessed on how to spell that, and I am not all about spell checking this entry.

Anyways, I am going for a walk. Then I might come home. I might stop at the grocery store and buy something for dinner …. or not. Hot cheetos and diet pepsi sound good, except for the heartburn. I really need a healthy meal … I have been eating either crap, yogurt, or nothing for days. I am pathetic but I don’t care. In fact I’m proud of how irresponsible I am when it comes to like eating good stuff and exercising …. but at least I’m not addicted to drugs, addicted to alcohol, in jail, or dead. Hey man, I’m proud … it runs in the family. I beat genetics!

One Response to “Taking a lunch break”

  1. Julie says:

    hey! death runs in my family too. what a co-inky-dink!