MT-Captcha Rocks!!

For those of us (me) with an old version of Movable Type and a refusal to pay in order to upgrade to have unlimited weblogs … I had to seek an alternative way to block spammers from my site. I think the new version of Movable Type has some type of blacklist for comment spammers, but I’m a loser. Anyways, I have this nifty new plugin called “MT-Captcha” and I finally got it to work! Please don’t ask me for help because I have no idea how I finally got it to work. There is little to no help available anywhere for this plugin … so if you follow the directions and it still doesn’t work … then you have to become inventive, investigative, and put on that thinking cap! Anyways … check out my comments. Now you have to enter a security code before you can post. Sorry for the hassle … but I spent nearly three hours deleting over 1000 comments from Texas hold’em poker and Penis Elongators. And now I can spend the rest of my night working on a new pretty design for my page. Until then … peace out and I hope you all get sore throats! Sickness … rah rah rah!

2 Responses to “MT-Captcha Rocks!!”

  1. Kim says:

    How does the security code keep away spammers?

  2. nellie says:

    CAPTCHA stands for: “completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart”

    It’s like junk email. People create programs to flood you with stuff you don’t want so they can try to sell their shitty products. Anyways, most computer programs can’t read images. The security code is actually an image with a value assigned to it, and spam programs just aren’t that darn smart!