Holy Crap

I just did like 6 loads of laundry and the process of going to & from the laundromat (about 2 blocks away) about 11-12 times totally kicked my ass. I feel like I got hit by a car. I’m quite motivated to get cleaning-stuff done today. Don’t know why. I like to clean when I’m happy. Guess I’m happy! Yes, I’m definitely happy!

Anyways, yesterday I got invited to a Presidential Election Party on election day. I don’t know if I will fit in since my opinions on the matter make people think I’m an ignorant cow, but what the hell. Free alcohol, and maybe it won’t matter. I’ll be spewing off my drunken opinions, saying things like “Why the hell does it even matter so f-ing much, its not like Saddam Hussein is running for president. It’s not the end of the world either way. ” I would probably get my ass kicked out of the party for saying things like that. I will remember to keep my not so popular opinions TO MYSELF. Remember, a lot of people live, breathe, and sleep this crappshit.

Crows are chirping loudly in this apartment. I’m so happy today I could fly across town with the crows and not even care that I’m like the ugliest bird there is. I’m tired of living the no-life, so its time to start celebrating. I have also decided that I don’t like anything important so I’m just going to spend the rest of my life laughing for no reason.

Later people! 🙂

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